The Secret Language of Comics

Sketch 11: Assemblies

A Well-Established Literacy Is Like A Stone Pagoda.

To best describe my achievement in ENGRD101 this semester, I must allude it to a stone pagoda. Step by step, I learned and added new layers of literary knowledge like upbuilding each story of the tower. Like anonymous writers/journalists who are identified with their pen names, making my blog and avatar was the first step that, in some ways, introduced me to the literary world and have appropriate Digital Citizenship. Then, chronologically, I was able to learn Visual Thinking through Sunday Sketches, Writing as Process through the 3 parts of Literacy Narrative, and Critical Thinking through Halfa Kucha. As a tall tower that can only be built with a solid foundation, acquiring the aforementioned outcomes helped me achieve the final goal of Rhetorical Composition.

The Perfect Recipe

English 101 Learning Objectives

I used a sandwich-making instruction model to showcase all the learning objectives I learned throughout my in “The Secret Language of Comics” class. Instead of choosing to actually recreate a step-by-step how-to, I chose to do it in a similar fashion that commercials create it to advertise the multiple ingredients they use, particularly in hamburgers. This would be a much simpler and less confusing way of going about it in my opinion.

The Perfect Recipe

English 101 Learning Objectives

I used a sandwich-making instruction model to showcase all the learning objectives I learned throughout my in “The Secret Language of Comics” class. Instead of choosing to actually recreate a step-by-step how-to, I chose to do it in a similar fashion that commercials create it to advertise the multiple ingredients they use, particularly in hamburgers. This would be a much simpler and less confusing way of going about it in my opinion.

Assembly of Rap

For this sketch I decided to detail the process on how to make a rap song ! This is the process I do (minus the record and releasing the song) in order to create a rap. What I like about this is how I am able to incorporate how I write in a form of a song. Writing has been more enjoyable due to me freewriting raps whenever I have time, or even freestyling with my good friend Caleb Sharkey. Being able to construct a rap, telling a story all while rhyming is amazing, thus why I wanted to detail the process of creating your own !

When working on this assignment, I couldn’t really think of many concepts that could be assembled into one the main component. I had the idea of incorporating writing into the sketch, but didn’t know what. I started to ponder while listening to rap music and then that is when I made the realization: I write raps of my own, why don’t I just make an assembly of creating a rap ! I was able to detail the process and using images really helped bring the sketch come alive. Overall, I really enjoyed creating this sketch as it made me think critical about possible concepts that could be explored and implemented !

Process of Making Tea

This was the breakdown of my learnings in this class. These are the different learning outcomes that are crucial to a successful writing career. I have broken this down in the same way a person makes tea. Milk, Tea Bags, Water, Sugar and a spoon are all very important to make a good cup of tea. Similarly all outcomes are responsible in writing a successful essay.

Yousef’s Assemblies

Given that I am relatively literate when it comes to technology, acquiring digital citizenship and rhetorical composition was not that challenging to me. However, writing as process, visual thinking, and critical thinking were not as easily-achievable as I thought them to be. Luckily, through challenging myself in the dozens of assignments, I would say I have achieved them to an extent.

Yousef’s Assemblies

Given that I am relatively literate when it comes to technology, acquiring digital citizenship and rhetorical composition was not that challenging to me. However, writing as process, visual thinking, and critical thinking were not as easily-achievable as I thought them to be. Luckily, through challenging myself in the dozens of assignments, I would say I have achieved them to an extent.

An Assembly of The Process

For the last Sunday Sketch, I wanted to show the process of how I was able to achieve the learning outcomes as I took this course. I used the process of human evolution to refer to how I started the course off with a limited number of skills but was able to achieve a lot at the end of the run. Digital citizenship exists at the beginning as it’s just about using technology appropriately and engaging responsibly in online spaces. Rhetorical composition is the last learning outcome that I’ve achieved, as other outcomes are strategies required to achieve rhetorical composition. 

Assembly Of Class

I drew an assembly of a house to express what I learned this semester about as a writer and reader. It is a very basic idea, but it does a very good job of showing my time during this english course. The first step shows the foundation, which at the beginning of class was very minimal. However, as I read the assigned readings, I had a stronger understanding of what exactly a comic is and how its used as a medium. The second step is the building of the steps. I think that they represent how the assignments grew in difficulty. When I say difficulty, I mean that it took me a lot longer to start the assignments because it became a lot more of a challenge in terms of coming up with ideas to complete the Sunday sketch assignments and the literacy narratives. The third step helps represent that after every challenge there was a period of understanding. The 4th step represents being able to encompass everything that I have learned to be able to close off the class with assignments such as the Halfa Kucha. The fifth steps kind of represents how the comics read helped me visually and literary see how what I have learned in the previous steps come together in many forms.
