The Secret Language of Comics

Lady Luck

I found creating my quadriptych comic much easier than creating the triptych comic because having an additional comic square allowed me to tell a better story. Initially, I wanted to make a funny or clever comic, like the examples in the sketch 7 assignment post, but after brainstorming for a bit no ideas really worked out, so I did something more in my comfort zone and made a darker comic. I decided to compose the comic with the first 3 panels zooming out a little bit at a time until the third panel showed the full picture, and the fourth was the conclusion. My intended goal was to create a plot twist within the 4 frames to make a dark comic with a misleading beginning. I made the first two panels about the luck of ladybugs, in order to mislead the reader and make them believe that something lucky may happen, and then made the last 2 panels showcase the result of ignoring the sign of a lucky ladybug. This assignment, though not as challenging as the triptych comic, was still challenging for similar reasons: it’s hard to tell a complete story in so few panels. Having the middle act stretch across two panels rather than one made it much easier to include important details in my story, therefore allowing me to make the story more complex than the triptych comic because the additional panel allowed me to better build-up to the plot twist.

Refection on My New and Improved Essay

After completing the comic I created, I was able to have an idea on how I wanted to shape this essay. I was able to reflect upon my previous essay and note what was well and what could have been improved. I was able to make some aspects of the essay more concise all while interpolating the key points I am trying to showcase.

After creating the comic, the essay did not include any other details that were present in the comic. My intentions on this new essay was to make it more serious and include details I wasn’t able to include in the comic, which I felt was great.

I saw the story I had originally and just add onto it. Eliminating details that appeared to be redundant or concision were integral parts in refurbishing this essay. My analytical process was different in my opinion, mostly because I was thinking “can this sentence proof it’s significance” rather than writing things down and not really thinking much of it. Writing this new essay helped me look at a different perspective, which I find great !

If you want to read the new essay, the link will be provided underneath ! I hope y’all enjoy it !

Backpack Bundle

Yellow notebook: A graph paper notebook for my calc class (one of my favorite classes to take notes for because my teacher writes everything out so I have time to write notes in the margins. Also I just love graph paper.)
Open notebook: My biology notebook (the cover is green because last semester’s was blue). This is another favorite class to take notes in because there is an abundance of diagrams in biology.
White notebook: Arabic notebook. The class is dreadful (painfully difficult in my professional opinion) and the innocence of this notebook doesn’t do it justice.
Umbrella: Rain is not my friend (especially when partnered with Georgia heat)
Backpack (center): It’s much smaller than it looks and I’ve been telling myself to buy a new one for the entire school year. We’ll see if she lasts the summer.
Germ-ex: A necessity during a global pandemic
Pencil pouch: I love writing utensils so, of course, I carry an arsenal with me at all times
Open planner: My 2021-22 academic planner flipped to the last page I ever used a highlighter on. The highlighting was supposed to help me improve my time management by organizing when I was going to do each assignment, but all the colors overwhelmed me more than the long to-do list initially did
Decomposition notebook: I was enticed by the cover which has a deep diver doing acrobatic stretches
Tablet charger: My tablet can’t hold a charge to save its life
Headphones: I still use wires despite their inconvenience
Phone charger: I like to be prepared
Gloves: My hands are the first to freeze on cold days
Glasses: I rarely wear my glasses (I don’t own contacts instead I just choose to live in a blurry world) though I do like the style
Glasses case: The permanent home of my glasses and the same case I’ve been using since 9th grade when I realized its abnormal to not be able to see the board
Hair ties: just in case
Chapstick: Dry lips are very distracting
Money: I didn’t know this was in there, so I am now $3 richer than before this assignment
Open notebook (bottom center): My journal for my creative writing in the garden freshman seminar. Filled with thoughts, observations, and the occasional pretty sentence
Tablet: very old and very accident-prone (especially on tiny desks that attach to the arms of chairs) and covered in stickers that really have nothing to do with me
Lanyard dorm key: the lanyard was thrifted and the dorm key has been lost one too many times
Face mask: Another pandemic necessity. This mask was made by my grandmother and mailed to me with a card that now hangs on the wall of my dorm room.

What’s in my bag – Reflection

I really liked this assignment. I think looking at the items that people carry around with them tells you a little bit about who the person is, though I’m sure many items overlap from person to person. That being said, I don’t think it gives you a full picture of the person because a lot of the items carried around with them are chosen for their functions rather than their sentimental meaning. I didn’t really change anything that was in my bag, so most of my choices were related to the arrangement of the items. I decided to make the final arrangement a square shape because it’s easier to photograph. I left some of my notebooks closed and opened others to make the image more interesting to look at (and because I love the way notes and writing looks). I didn’t find this assignment very challenging, so my biggest struggle was probably getting high enough to take the picture because I’m pretty short and I had arranged my items on a table.

I think representing yourself in a catalog of the stuff in your bag is a type of writing because you have to pick and choose what to include, arrange it in a way that is appealing to the viewer, and the image you produce will usually have a goal of some kind. These are all things that you do with words when writing. Because of this, I think creating a catalog of stuff in your bag is just another form of visual storytelling.

Revision On My Narrative On Reading and Writing

When I was commencing my high school career, my instructor made an announcement that we will have to write an essay at the end of the semester. The essay would consist of a book my class and I read and provided would be a series of prompts to choose from, finding certain pieces of evidence from the text, and following the three body paragraph template.

I remember hearing this announcement, and already a mixture of different emotions started to convene in my head and interpolate my mind. From the start, my feelings towards writing have been mixed: I hate writing, yet also enjoy writing my thoughts on a piece of paper. My confidence as a writer was pretty high- mostly because I would receive good grades on essays I would write throughout my middle school career.

Nonetheless, they were new components that must have been implemented when writing an essay: this included two commentaries, one interpolating the evidence and the other tying it back to your paragraph’s thesis all in a five paragraph essay. This format was relatively new to me, but didn’t hinder me from writing an essay I deemed almost perfect … that was until I received the grade.

I received a grade that I wasn’t so proud of and made me rethink my capabilities as a writer: “maybe I am not meant to be a writer” and “how could I let that happen ?” I later went on to discuss my essay with my instructor, and from there showed me ways to improve my writing, how to properly execute the commentaries, and how to flow well within an essay. 

Upon nearing the end of the second semester, my instructor announced another final essay, and it follows the same concept as the previous one. Although I was nervous when the announcement was made as I didn’t want to repeat that same thing I did last semester, I stayed persistent and implemented everything I was taught. I wrote and wrote, until I was satisfied with what I had and turnt it in. I waited and waited to see what my final score was and I can’t deny, I was nervous as heck. I mean I was thinking “what if I did terrible ?” or “you suck never write again !” I was already thinking negatively, and I couldn’t stop it, until I came to the conclusion: whatever happens happens. Once the scores were released, I was shocked, yet satisfied. “I did it for once.”

That thought stayed in my head for a while now. I for once was able to improve my craft in writing, and from there I started to write my essays well. Going into my second year of high school, I remember having a conversation about Hip Hop with my English teacher, and we talked about our favorite rappers and why paying attention to their lyrics as they were telling a story. This made me link to my prior experience of poetry, and how they too tell a story in a structured manner.

I would consistently talk to my English teacher about Hip Hop, and at times we would branch out different topics such as poetry and storytelling. After our conversation, my peaks of interest will make me want to do research on my own. I would read many poems from different poets such as Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. On the Hip Hop aspect, I will listen to MF DOOM, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Denzel Curry, and many more rappers and how they can paint a story all while implementing intricate rhyme schemes.

Listening to them influenced me to try to write my own story and incorporate similar factors. Throughout my high school years, I would write raps of my own. At first, they would follow that AABB rhyme scheme and would just write things to write. Upon analyzing their lyrics, and learning about rhyme schemes, I started to comprehend the style of rap. I would have multi-syllable rhymes, intricate rhyme schemes all while conveying a message or thoughts I had. After high school, I stopped writing for a while- mostly because I didn’t dream about being a rapper, and even if I did, that dream was slim. Coming into Emory University, I was introduced to a friend whose name is Caleb Sharkey, and I remember one time we just hung out after lunch and we freestyle for hours and from there, he supported my rapping capabilities. Him and others made me pursue writing not for a purpose, but for fun, something I didn’t realize until after.

Another aspect of writing I found out was a way to explain certain aspects of my life. I was able to express where I come from, how my community was able to shape me to the person I am today, and other aspects. I remember enjoying writing my personal statement, and college essays as it gave me a way to express who I really am rather than basing it off numbers and statistics. Writing helped give me a sense of identity, a sense of hope. I knew whenever I was feeling down, I would turn to writing as a way to express my feelings, or express things I wasn’t able to express.

In the present day, I still incorporate writing into my day to day life. I started to write more raps whenever I have time as a way to pass time. I write two three hundred summaries every week for a class, and although it is tedious, I somewhat enjoy it- it keeps my mind working. Writing has been a passionate hobby that has grown onto me in a matter of years. Writing has allowed me to express myself through essays, emotions, and music. I am happy to say that I am glad to have discovered the wonders of writing through an essay.

Revision On My Narrative On Reading and Writing

When I was commencing my high school career, my instructor made an announcement that we will have to write an essay at the end of the semester. The essay would consist of a book my class and I read and provided would be a series of prompts to choose from, finding certain pieces of evidence from the text, and following the three body paragraph template.

I remember hearing this announcement, and already a mixture of different emotions started to convene in my head and interpolate my mind. From the start, my feelings towards writing have been mixed: I hate writing, yet also enjoy writing my thoughts on a piece of paper. My confidence as a writer was pretty high- mostly because I would receive good grades on essays I would write throughout my middle school career.

Nonetheless, they were new components that must have been implemented when writing an essay: this included two commentaries, one interpolating the evidence and the other tying it back to your paragraph’s thesis all in a five paragraph essay. This format was relatively new to me, but didn’t hinder me from writing an essay I deemed almost perfect … that was until I received the grade.

I received a grade that I wasn’t so proud of and made me rethink my capabilities as a writer: “maybe I am not meant to be a writer” and “how could I let that happen ?” I later went on to discuss my essay with my instructor, and from there showed me ways to improve my writing, how to properly execute the commentaries, and how to flow well within an essay. 

Upon nearing the end of the second semester, my instructor announced another final essay, and it follows the same concept as the previous one. Although I was nervous when the announcement was made as I didn’t want to repeat that same thing I did last semester, I stayed persistent and implemented everything I was taught. I wrote and wrote, until I was satisfied with what I had and turnt it in. I waited and waited to see what my final score was and I can’t deny, I was nervous as heck. I mean I was thinking “what if I did terrible ?” or “you suck never write again !” I was already thinking negatively, and I couldn’t stop it, until I came to the conclusion: whatever happens happens. Once the scores were released, I was shocked, yet satisfied. “I did it for once.”

That thought stayed in my head for a while now. I for once was able to improve my craft in writing, and from there I started to write my essays well. Going into my second year of high school, I remember having a conversation about Hip Hop with my English teacher, and we talked about our favorite rappers and why paying attention to their lyrics as they were telling a story. This made me link to my prior experience of poetry, and how they too tell a story in a structured manner.

I would consistently talk to my English teacher about Hip Hop, and at times we would branch out different topics such as poetry and storytelling. After our conversation, my peaks of interest will make me want to do research on my own. I would read many poems from different poets such as Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. On the Hip Hop aspect, I will listen to MF DOOM, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Denzel Curry, and many more rappers and how they can paint a story all while implementing intricate rhyme schemes.

Listening to them influenced me to try to write my own story and incorporate similar factors. Throughout my high school years, I would write raps of my own. At first, they would follow that AABB rhyme scheme and would just write things to write. Upon analyzing their lyrics, and learning about rhyme schemes, I started to comprehend the style of rap. I would have multi-syllable rhymes, intricate rhyme schemes all while conveying a message or thoughts I had. After high school, I stopped writing for a while- mostly because I didn’t dream about being a rapper, and even if I did, that dream was slim. Coming into Emory University, I was introduced to a friend whose name is Caleb Sharkey, and I remember one time we just hung out after lunch and we freestyle for hours and from there, he supported my rapping capabilities. Him and others made me pursue writing not for a purpose, but for fun, something I didn’t realize until after.

Another aspect of writing I found out was a way to explain certain aspects of my life. I was able to express where I come from, how my community was able to shape me to the person I am today, and other aspects. I remember enjoying writing my personal statement, and college essays as it gave me a way to express who I really am rather than basing it off numbers and statistics. Writing helped give me a sense of identity, a sense of hope. I knew whenever I was feeling down, I would turn to writing as a way to express my feelings, or express things I wasn’t able to express.

In the present day, I still incorporate writing into my day to day life. I started to write more raps whenever I have time as a way to pass time. I write two three hundred summaries every week for a class, and although it is tedious, I somewhat enjoy it- it keeps my mind working. Writing has been a passionate hobby that has grown onto me in a matter of years. Writing has allowed me to express myself through essays, emotions, and music. I am happy to say that I am glad to have discovered the wonders of writing through an essay.

Reflection Part 3

The narrative literacy was an interesting way to complete the learning objectives for the class. I think that writing a narrative about our journey with books/writing and converting it into a comic allowed us to use different mediums to express these ideas. It did take various drafts, revisions, editing, and reflection that allowed me to write my final narrative. When creating the comic, I do think that having my peers look and give feedback on my draft was just as helpful as being able to see how they created theirs.

I think that turning the literary narrative into a visual narrative was pretty difficult, because you had to portray your story in both words and images that worked together. I think the most difficult part for me was knowing where to take my story, basically creating a storyline that works by using the literary narrative. Returning to the literary narrative after creating my comic was a lot more easier because I kind of knew what to include and what to rethink. It also helped make it more personal. I think the new narrative makes more sense to me than the first narrative. I think that I was thinking to hard on what to say the first time around.

A Dress Fit for Silvermist

dress image and waterfall image

The combophoto assignment was kind of difficult for me because I am very anal about details, so I spent a long time searching the internet for pictures I could use that would line up well. For my initial idea, I wanted to involve birds in some way. I love bird wings because they’re beautiful, especially the underside where you can really notice how the bird’s feathers fan out. I wanted to combine a bird with flowers at first but that had its own set of deterrents. The first was that the flower images I could find had too many flowers in them. Because of this,  either the background of the image seemed too busy or the flower was too small for it to match up neatly with my selected bird images. Then I thought of combining the bird photo with fire or smoke to make a type of phoenix, but when searching for creative commons images, the majority of the ones involving fire were of forests being burned down (which looking back could have been really symbolic to combine an image of a bird with an image of its home being burned down, so as I write this I kind of regret not sticking with this idea). This resulted in too much smoke in the images so it was hard to see the actual fire, or similar to the flower issue, the background was too busy with all the trees and people that were trying to put out the flames. Moving on from the fire, my next idea was to use water, specifically a waterfall, and try to match it up with the tail feathers of a bird so that I could keep my favorite part (the underside of the wings) visible. Unfortunately, this idea didn’t work out because I couldn’t seem to find a bird that matched the color of the water well enough for it not to bother me.

Finally, I scrapped my bird idea and instead focused on the waterfall because it reminded me of the skirt of a wedding dress. After finding a waterfall with a cool water pattern I looked for dresses that closely matched the color and cropped the images together.  Despite the struggle I went through to get my final result, I’m happy with it because sketching odd dress designs was a staple activity of my childhood. I went through a long phase of thinking I would be a dress designer (this phase was initiated by watching Tinkerbell and seeing the fairy dresses made from leaves and flowers). I don’t think my final image conveys anything serious, rather it’s a homage to my childhood self and her generic yet enjoyable aspirations.

A Symbiotic Story

While creating my comic I struggled to come up with an idea at first. I’m a very wordy person and most of my stories tend to run long, so writing a short one with only three panels was really difficult for me. I ended up creating a comic about a clownfish trying to escape a shark by hiding in the tentacles of a sea anemone, thus beginning a symbiotic relationship with the creature. With the idea for the story in mind, the composition wasn’t very hard to figure out. Because I only had three panels to tell the story, the composition had to be very straightforward in order to fit all the important details. The first panel introduces the conflict of the story: a clownfish is being hunted by a shark. The second panel shows the middle: the clownfish finds a solution to his problem and asks the sea anemone for help. Then finally the third panel is the conclusion: The shark lost the clownfish and the clownfish and sea anemone become partners.

This assignment was different than most writing I do because I had to incorporate pictures in my storytelling in a way I normally don’t. Especially because we had so few panels, the images had to be the primary storytelling elements. This, unlike most writing assignments, forced me to extremely minimize my word usage. I tend to write long, detailed stories and for this assignment, I had to pick and choose which details to include in order to efficiently use the space while still getting the same impact. Overall I found the triptych comic challenging, but enjoyable.

The UPS and DOWNS of Everyday Life

The conceptual issues I was trying to track were mostly how content I felt for ten consecutive days in areas such as healthiness, positivity, DCT satisfaction (very important), and weather satisfaction. I divided the categories and color-coded depending on the duration of the mood that I was feeling. I concluded that my busiest days tend to have lower mood ratings in positivity and healthiness. This trend will most likely continue for the rest of the year. On the days when I have free afternoons, I find myself feeling satisfaction from the DCT food as well as the weather. My best guess from this is that I have time to enjoy my food and soak in the day instead of running over the chewing action and worrying about the next thing I have to do.

At the beginning of this project, I had asked myself if my positivity depended on the amount of time I spent with other people or did it depend more heavily on my schedule. Because of the unsteady exposure to other people, I was not able to fully determine whether this was the case. I did, however, find myself feeling better after those brief encounters. Some judgment calls I faced while gathering my data were mostly dealing with determining the hours I had felt a certain mood. I would encounter choices like figuring out if I had felt healthy for ten or eleven hours that day. These choices might have skewed the visual data. I chose to visualize the data in the manner I did because it personally helped me organize my understanding and saw my rating spread out clearly throughout the ten days in the different categories.

If I were to continue this project into the future, I would investigate if my moods revolved around the amount of time I spent with my friends like I previously intended. The difference would be the scheduled time so I can properly determine if those experiences affected them at all. I have found this to be a valuable tool for self-analysis. I had not realized my moods changed that drastically in such a relatively short period of time. I am interested in doing this long-term if possible.

Literacy Narrative Part 3: Ethan Cohen Reflection

This essay felt the most clear and truly showcased my progress through this process under three distinct forms of a narrative essay. I was able to implement ideas from both essays, whilst succinctly limiting superfluous information, as well as expanding on ideas in a much deeper way as was pertinent to the main ideas of my argument. I also found it very interesting to attempt to make the visual components from my comic into ideas in word form. It was a unique and new process for me, but one that really helps get to the vivid crux I am employing visually in a literary way. My analytical process was different, but I knew the same backbone of argumentative narrative would remain the same, as it is true to me in all facets. The unique difference in this essay was the ability I found to expand upon the ideas mentioned. I see the story I was telling differently, in a less profoundly different sense than expected: I found there was actually more meaning to me personally in the anecdote of summer camp than was truly uncovered in the first two attempts. Through this essay, I was able to effectively achieve a thoroughly excavated writing process, critically think and synthesize succinctly, and implement effective visual thinking throughout.
